Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tsunami (Japanese: tsu = port, nami = wave, which literally means "big waves in the harbor") is the transfer of water bodies caused by changes in sea surface vertically with a sudden. Changes in sea level can be caused by an earthquake centered under the sea, underwater volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides, or or a meteor hit the ocean. Tsunami waves can propagate in all directions. Power contained in the tsunami wave height is fixed to the function and kelajuannya. In the deep ocean, tsunami waves can propagate with the speed of 500-1000 km per hour. Equivalent to the speed of aircraft. Deep-sea wave height is only about 1 meter. Thus, the wave speed is not felt by the ship which was in the middle of the sea. When approaching the coast, the tsunami wave velocity decreases to about 30 km per hour, but its height was increased to reach tens of meters. Tsunami waves can go blow up to tens of kilometers from the beach. Damage and casualties that occur because of the Tsunami can be caused by a blow of water and materials carried by the flow of tsunami waves.

The negative impact caused by tsunamis are destroying everything in its path. Buildings, plants, and resulted in human casualties and causing inundation, salt water contamination of agricultural land, soil, and clean water.

The Greek historian Thucydides was the first name that links the tsunami by an earthquake under the other. But until the 20th century, knowledge about the cause of the tsunami is still very minimal. Research is still underway to understand the causes of tsunamis.

The texts of geology, geography, and oceanography in the past called tsunamis as "seismic sea waves".

Some of the meteorological conditions, such as tropical cyclones, storm surges can cause the so-called meteor tsunami wave height several meters above normal sea. When the storm made landfall, the shape can resemble the tsunami, although not a tsunami. Wave could inundate the land. This storm surge had flooded the Burmese (Myanmar) in May 2008.

The area around the Pacific Ocean has the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) issued a warning that if there is threat of a tsunami on this region. The area around the Indian Ocean are building Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS), which will be based in Indonesia.

Historical evidence suggests that megatsunami is possible, which caused some islands to sink
Table of contents


The word tsunami comes from the Japanese tsu means harbor and nami means wave. Tsunamis often Japanese. Japanese history has recorded at least 195 tsunamis occurred.

On several occasions, equated with the tsunami tidal waves. In recent years, this perception has been declared no longer appropriate, particularly within the research community, because the tides have nothing to do with the tsunami. This perception is popular because the first appearance of the tsunami that resembles a high tide.

Tsunamis and tidal waves are equally produces water waves that move to the mainland, but in the tsunami, the wave motion is much larger and longer, so memberika impression as a very high tide. Although the notion that equates with "the tides" includes "resemblance" or "similar character" to surge, this understanding is no longer appropriate. The tsunami not only limited to the harbor. Because of the geological and oceanographically highly not recommend to use the term.

There are only a few local language which has the same meaning with these destructive waves. Aazhi Peralai in Tamil language, ie beuna or Alon buluëk (according to dialect) in the language of Aceh is an example. For the record, in Tagalog version of Austronesian, the main language in the Philippines, Alon means "wave." On Simeulue Island, west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, in Bahasa Defayan, smong mean a tsunami. While in Language Sigulai, Emong mean a tsunami.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's That Flashing Mobile

Flash memory (flash memory) is a type of EEPROM that allows a lot of memory location to be deleted or written in one programming operation. Lay terms, he is a form of memory chip that can be written, unlike the random access memory chips / RAM, this memory can store data without the need for electricity supply. This memory is typically used in memory cards, USB flash drive (USB flash drives), MP3 players, digital cameras, and mobile phones.

Terms Flashing Mobile:

  • Firmware: Software / software made by vendors (phone manufacturer) to operate mobile phone features,   which consist of several smaller parts.

  • Flashing: The process of inserting the firmware to the phone.

  • Patching: The process of modifying some of the firmware by replacing the bytes of data that already exist with the new value, with the aim of manipulating the phone system to get the desired result. For example: new feature, to disable a feature that is considered intrusive, and so forth.

  • FS (File System): Part of the firmware that works to save the files settings / configuration for your phone may be used appropriately, which at the same time serves as a place of internal memory / phone memory cell phone.
  • MAIN / FLASH: The main part of firmware that serves as an Operating System (OS) that operates the mobile phone functions the phone itself.
  • Backup: Make copies of the data-data / important files before any modification to the phone, so if the results are not according to desire / not satisfactory, then the files can be restored earlier already in the backup / on again to restore the phone.
  • Restore: Restore the files / data that have been backed-up with the aim to restore the situation as before.
  • Upload: Copying files from computer to the FS (File System) mobile phone.
  • Download: Copying files from the FS (File System) device to your computer for modified or backed-up.
  • Finalize / finalizing: The last stage in the process of full flashing, ie the process of copying the configuration files / settings that most major mobile phones, along with the Java certificate files to the FS (File System) mobile phone, mobile phones to be reused after a full flashing.
  • Full flashing: flashing process is performed on the MAIN and FS cell phone.
  • Partial flashing: flashing process is performed only on the MAIN only, or only at the FS alone.
  • Cross flash: Flashing a type mobile phone using the firmware the other phone types that have the same specifications with a mobile phone them.
Example: Cross flash K750i with W800i firmware.

  • Update firmware: The firmware update the phone with newer firmware versions / actual, with the aim of eliminating bugs-bugs in previous firmware versions.
  • Bugs: Problems that are not supposed to happen, which is due to the phone firmware error. So that all mobile phones with the same type that uses the same firmware version, will experience the same problem. 
For example: the battery can not charge to 100% full.
  • Customize / Customizing: modding done on the FS (File System) mobile phone with the aim customize the phone display. Usually done to replace the menu icons display a standard cell phone with a new look more attractive.

Source: and wikipedia

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Web Programming Language

Programing if you like once in making the web, then you will not be apart from what is called a programming language. Programming language is a technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer.
Here is an explanation of what programming language used to create a website:

  1.  HTML Programming Language
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create a web page and displays various information within an Internet browser.HTML is now an Internet standard defined and controlled its use by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). HTML form tag code that instructs the browser to produce in accordance with the desired appearance. A file is an HTML file can be opened using a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  2.  PHP Programming Language
PHP is a scripting language most widely used today.PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time, PHP was still named FI (Form interpreted), that his form in the form of a set of scripts that are used to process form data from the web.PHP is widely used to create dynamic web sites, although it is possible to use for other usage.PHP generally runs on the Linux operating system (PHP can also run with hosting windows).

  3.  ASP Programming Language
ASP stands for Active Server Pages which is one of the web programming language for creating dynamic web pages.ASP is one of the technology products provided by Microsoft. ASP is working on a web server and a server side scripting.

  4.  XML Programming Language
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a versatile markup language recommended by W3C to describe various kinds of data. XML uses tags such as HTML markup but its use is not limited to view only web pages. XML is a method for making a bookmark / markup in a document.

  5.  WML Programming Language
WML stands for Wireless Markup Language, the programming language used in applications based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). WML is a programming language used in wireless applications. WML is an analogy of HTML that runs on the wireless protocol.

 6.  PERL Programming Language
Perl is a programming language for machines with Unix operating systems (SunOS, Linux, BSD, HP-UX), also available for operating systems such as DOS, Windows, Power PC, BeOS, VMS, EBCDIC, and Pocket PC.PERL is a programming language-like programming language C.

  7.  CFM Programming Language
Cfm created using ColdFusion tags with Adobe ColdFusion / BlueDragon / Coldfusion Studio. Syntax-based ColdFusion html.

  8.  Javascript Programming Language
Javascript is a powerful scripting language that runs on the client side. JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape. To run a script written in JavaScript we need a JavaScript-enabled browser is a browser capable of running JavaScript.

  9.  CSS Programming Language
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to set the display of a document written in markup language. The most common usage of CSS is to reformat Web pages written in HTML and XHTML. Nevertheless, his own language can be used for all types of XML documents including SVG and XUL. CSS specifications set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tips to Get Traffic Free

Getting Traffic / visitors to your website is one important task for every website owner. And in getting this traffic you can not do it only work one time only. To get that many visitors and stable is to do it continuously. Here we will discuss some ways to get traffic for free.

  • Optimize your website for search engines        
Currently the search engine is still the main way to get free traffic. That's why,  you have a "homework" to  optimize your site have good rankings for the keywords you are targeting. SEO is still a powerful way to get traffic for free, so you should really take your time to optimize your site. If you want to study hard and spirit, then master the SEO is not a difficult thing.

  • Update the content of your site regularly
In the SEO content is king, if the content of your website nice and helpful and always updated, then you will build traffic to your site, visitors will often come to see what's new from your site. In addition, search engines also will like your site.

  • Take advantage of social bookmarking sites
Using a social bookmarking site is a powerful way to get free traffic. All you have to do is to write a useful article on the social bookmarking it, and do not forget to include the URL of your website in the article. If the visitors are interested in the article, then chances are visitors will enter into your site.

  • Use Twitter and Facebook
Using social networking sites are also a powerful way to get free visitors to your website. Especially if you are famous or popular person in the network, then you can easily bring in visitors. Even in this way can bring traffic that exceeds the traffic coming from google or other search engines. Indeed, for build it is not quite easy and takes time, but the results will be quite satisfactory.

  • Get links from other sites that match your niche
Getting links to sites other people are also very good for your SEO, especially if you can get links with  dofollow attribute. But even if you can get links with nofollow attribute though, they are still useful and still can bring traffic to your website. If you are able to put a link on the website traffic very high volume, then you can get hundreds of visitors from this link.You can use the backlink builder tool to do this, but you also have to be - careful in exchanging links, because the reputation of your site will also be tarnished if to exchange links with sites that already have a bad reputation.

  • Promote your site for free
There are many ways to promote your site for free, including free classified ads, online directories, listings and others. Indeed in this way may not be able to work optimally, but if you can find a nice place to promote your site for free, then this can also help you bring in enough traffic.

  •   Create a free for your visitors
When you offer something free, sure many will be interested to visit your site, let alone something that a lot of benefits. Many things you can do for this method, such as creating content, useful tips, or even products or services for free. If the product you are offering to be popular, then people will start visiting your site.

  •  Use viral marketing system
By using this system then your site will spread like a virus, this happens when you offer free product to your friend, then your friend is offering to their friends then indirectly you have been promoted for free.

  • Promote offline
This method is often forgotten, but how it also can bring traffic to a pretty good result. Currently, almost all people are familiar with computers. Even many of which are already online wherever they are. Well if you can take advantage of this method with optimal, then you will get visitors. What can you do with the way this is to include URLs in your name card, souvenir, souvenirs or stickers you can put on the back of your car. 

  •  Include the URL in your digital signature
    If you participate in forums attended by millions of visitors per day, then you can get free traffic here. The trick is to include the URL in your digital signature. Because if you post something that appeals to visitors who come then automatically visitor will click on the URL to learn more. Indeed there are many other ways you can do to get visitors for free, but the 10 tips above if you do it well and the spirit. then you will get more visitors to your site.

    Good luck ....

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    What is Android - a GPhone?

    The weeks and months before Google released the Android SDK there
    had been a lot of rumors about a so called GPhone. It was said to be a
    mobile device manufactured by Google providing free communication by
    showing context-sensitive advertisements to the user on the device itself.

    Picture 1 Render of a potential GPhone

    But on November 5th 2007 Andy Rubin2 announced:

                "[The] Android [Platform] - is more significant and ambitious than a single phone." 
    Google within the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) delivers a complete set of software for mobile devices: an operating system, middleware and key mobile applications. What was released a week later was not a final product, but a "First Look SDK" what many did not realize. Major news sites grabbed the discomforts of some developers who said that Android is full of bugs and heavily lacks of documentation. But the majority says that Android is not buggier than any other software at this stage.

    Android from above
    Let's take a look at what the OHA emphasizes on its Android Platform:


        "Android was built from the ground-up to enable developers to create 
         compelling mobile applications that   take full advantage of all a 
         handset has to offer. It is built to be truly open. For example, an 
         application could call upon any of the phone's core functionality such 
         as making calls, sending text messages, or using the camera, allowing 
         developers to create richer and more cohesive experiences for users." 

    This is true, as a developer you can do everything, from sending short
    messages with just 2 lines of code, up to replacing even the HOME-
    Screen of your device. One could easily create a fully customized
    operating system within weeks, providing no more of Google's default
    application to the user.

        "Android is built on the open Linux Kernel. Furthermore, it utilizes a 
         custom virtual machine that has been designed to optimize memory 
         and hardware resources in a mobile environment. Android will 
         be open source; it can be liberally extended to incorporate new cutting
         edge technologies as they emerge. The platform will continue to 
         evolve as the developer community works together to build innovative
         mobile applications."

    Here Google is talking of the so called Dalvik virtual machine (DalvikVM),
    which is a register based virtual machine, designed and written by Dan
    Bornstein and some other Google engineers, to be an important part of
    the Android platform. In the words "register based" we find the first
    difference to normal Java virtual machines (JVM) which are stack based.
    See the "Dalvik.equals(Java) == false"-chapter for more details on that